This is a single parcel sale totaling 6.59 acres in a prime area. It is located in Flood Zone X. Don’t miss out! Properties like this are selling quickly. The parcel is situated on W Ponkan Rd between Rock Springs Rd and the 429 Expressway, just over 4 miles north of Publix at Kelly Park Crossings. This is one of the hottest upcoming development areas, experiencing high traffic growth with numerous new home communities being established nearby. This area is poised to become the next “Lake Nona,” with significant growth already underway. The property is zoned A-1 and is within the City of Apopka. The buyer is responsible for doing their due diligence. The sale is for land value, but there is a manufactured home and a barn on site.
Zonning: RSF-1A
Floodzone: X
Flood Zone Date:
Driving Directions: N Rock Springs Rd / West on Ponkan Rd / Site at 318 W Ponkan Rd across from Hillside Wekiva